Dr. Nayan Sarkar

Dr. Nayan Sarkar

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D in Applied Mathematics (2022) Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Thesis Title : Study of some Astrophysical objects in General Relativity
and in alternative theories of gravity.
Supervisor : Prof (Dr.) Farook Rahaman.
M.Sc in Applied Mathematics (2015) Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
B.Sc (Hons.) in Mathematics (2013) Malda College, University of Gour Banga, Malda, West Bengal, India.
  1. Mathematical Physics,
  2. General Relativity
  3. Astrophysics
Courses Undertaken: UG level.
Area of Research:
  1. Celestial Compact Stars modelling in Einstein Gravity and in different Modified Gravity.
  2. Wormhole Physics.
  3. Galactic Dark Matter.
  4. Black Hole Physics.
  5. Gravitational Lensing.
Awards & Fellowships:
  1. Qualified CSIR-UGC NET (Dec-2015) with CSIR JRF.
  2. Qualified CSIR-UGC NET (June-2016) with UGC JRF.
  3. Qualified CSIR-UGC NET (June-2017) with LS.
  4. Qualified GATE (2017).
  5. Reviewer of the journal ‘The European Physical Journal C’.
  6. Reviewer of the journal ‘ New Journal of Physics’.
Publications: (In reverse chronological order)
Sl. no. Authors Title Book/Journal Year ISBN/ISSN
1 Piyali Bhar, Ksh. Newton Singh, Nayan Sarkar and Farook Rahaman. A comparative study on Generalized model of anisotropic compact star satisfying the Karmarkar condition. European Physical Journal C (Springer) (2017, IF-5.172) 2017 1434-6052
2 Kimet Jusufi, Nayan Sarkar, Farook Rahaman, Ayan Banerjee and Sudan hansraj. Defection of light by black holes and massless wormholes in massive gravity. European Physical Journal C (Springer) (2018, IF-4.843) 2018 1434-6052
3 Ksh. Newton Singh, Nayan Sarkar, Farook Rahaman, Debabrata Deb and Neeraj Pant. Relativistic fluid spheres with Karmarkar condition. International Journal of Morden Physics D (World Scientific) (2018, IF-2.004) 2018 1793-6594
4 Susmita Sarkar, Nayan Sarkar, Farook Rahaman and Y. Adity. Wormholes in κ(R,T) gravity. To Physics Journal 2019 2581-7396
5 Nayan Sarkar, Susmita Sarkar, Farook Rahaman, Ksh. Newton Singh and Hasrat shah. Anisotropic fluid spheres satisfying the Karmarkar condition. Morden Physics Letter A (World Scientific) (2018, IF-1.22) 2019 0217-7323
6 Nayan Sarkar, Susmita Sarkar, Farook Rahaman, P. K. F. Kuhfittig and Goverdhan Khadekar. Possible formation of Wormholes from dark matter in an isothermal galactic halo and void. Morden Physics Letter A (World Scientific) (2018, IF-1.22) 2019 0217-7323
7 Nayan Sarkar, Ksh. Newton Singh, Susmita Sarkar and Farook Rahaman. Compact star models in class I spacetime. European Physical Journal C (Springer) (2018, IF-4.843) 2019 1434-6052
8 Nayan Sarkar, Susmita Sarkar, Ksh. Newton Singh and Farook Rahaman. Relativistic compact stars with dark matter density profile. European Physical Journal C (Springer) (2018, IF-4.843) 2020 1434-6052
9 Susmita Sarkar, Nayan Sarkar and Farook Rahaman. Traversable wormholes in the bulge of Milky Way galaxy with Global Monopole Charge. European Physical Journal C (Springer) (2018, IF-4.843) 2020 1434-6052
10 Shyam Das, Nayan Sarkar, Monimala Mondal and Farrok Rahaman. A new model for dark matter fluid sphere. Morden Physics Letter A (World Scientific) (2019, IF-1.391) 2020 1793-6632
11 Nayan Sarkar, Susmita Sarkar, Farook Rahaman and Sofiqul Islam. Wormhole solutions in embedding class 1 space–time. Morden Physics Letter A (World Scientific) (2019, IF-1.391) 2021 1793-6632
12 Farook Rahaman and Nayan Sarkar. Topological defects inspired static spherically symmetric solution. Chinese Journal of Physics. (Elsevier) (2019, IF 2.638) 2021 0577-9073
13 Nayan Sarkar, Susmita Sarkar, Farook Rahaman, Ksh Newton Singh Anisotropic compact stars model with generalized Bardeen–Hayward mass function Morden Physics Letters A (World Scienti 2021 1793-6632
14 Susmita Sarkar, Nayan Sarkar, Farook Rahaman Embedding class 1 model of anisotropic fluid spheres in f(R,T) gravity Chinese Journal of Physics (Elsevier, IF- 3.957, 2022) 2022 0577-9073
Participation in Seminar/Conferences/Workshops:
Sl. no. Name of the programme National / International Date(s) Title of the presentation Organized by
1 Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Analysis and Optimization International Dece 09 – 11, 2015 Participation Dept.of Math, JU, Kolkata, India
2 Winter School on Beyond the Standard Model Physics National Jan 24 – Feb14, 2016 Participation Dept.of Physics, BHU, UP, India.
3 CIMPA- India Research School on Geometric Flows International Dec 1st-12th, 2016 Participation Dept. of Math, JU, Kolkata, India
4 Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Application in Modelling International Jan 09th - 12th, 2018 Present the research paper no-1 in the above list Dept. of Math, JU, Kolkata, India
5 Seminar on Current trends in Mathematics and its Application National March 8, 2019 Participation Dept. of Math, JU, Kolkata, India
6 Conference on Analysis, Algebra, Combinatorics and their Applications International Jan 20-22, 2020 Present the research paper no-6 in the above list Dept. of Math, JU, Kolkata, India
7 One day training of the Master trainers of various Institutes of Higher Learning on Cyber Security Awareness State Jan 31st , 2020 Participation Cyber Security Centre of Excellence, Dept. of Information Technology & Electronics, Govt. of W.B.
8 Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics National Feb 29, 2020. Participation Calcutta Mathematical Society
9 Webinar on Environment, Society & Human Beings Under Pandamic Situation State Jul 3, 2020 Participated Karimpur Pannadevi College
10 Webinor on Cosmology ‘Observing the origin and the evolution of our Universe National 23rd Sep, 2020 Participation Dept. of Physics, Bhairab Ganguli College
11 Workshop on Emerging Areas in Mathematics(One week FDP) State July 10-17, 2021 Participated Calcutta Mathematical Society
12 Workshop on Ancient Indian Mathematics National March 14-15, 2022 Participated Central University of Punjub
13 Workshop on Mathematical Foundations and Applications of Gravity International Aug 25-26, 2022 Participated Dept. of Basic Sciences & Social Sciences, North-Eastern Hill University
14 Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics National Nov 17-18, 2022 Participated Govt. Girls’ General Degree College
15 Seminar on National Education Policy, 2020 State Feb 15, 2023 Participated Karimpur Pannadevi College with Krishnagar girl’s College and Jalagi Mahavidyalaya